RAV: January 2019

January was a month of rearranging cattle. Newly weaned calves were moved down to RAV headquarters. Cows and second-calf heifers were moved to higher pastures at Rancho Ojo de Agua. Steers were moved to a different ranch to put on additional pounds before sale. And bulls were placed in fresh pastures as well.


The new year, 2019

Trusting the first month of 2019 has brought blessings into your life. For those of us in Magdalena, the beginning of January was a continuation of travelling to be with family “back home” or enjoying family that has come “home” for a visit. Whatever the case, we are thankful that God provided safe travels for all and we can resume our daily activities with a little rest and connection to fuel the upcoming months.


The God we serve has a plan greater than what we set out to do. As the hands and feet of Jesus, we know EACH of us can work for His kingdom, whether “in the field” or from a distance. Often, people ask what we need or what can they pray for. The following is a monthly prayer guide that spells out a little more in detail many aspects of the mission.


Now, to conclude this post, below are some pictures from the year's end Christmas party for all employees working at Carnisimo, Rancho Agua Viva, and Carnisimo Burgers.